sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015

These Little Drawings, Whose's Names I Am Ignorant Of

I am so proud of the title of this worksheet. These are little drawings that came in a photocopy, and we had to complete them with diverse objects, like people and windows and red unicorns (yay) as in mine (second). First is done by Marcos, third by Alba.
Now I´m Alba and I have to say (well, to write) that the unicorns were MY idea but someone ·coughmarinacoughcough· stole it.
This is one of the things people do when they are bored.


Hi, Marina the ship-spinner talking(sorry for the joke).These are textures. We had to divide the worksheet and draw a different texture on each little square. This one was done by Marcos.
...and now we have the rest of them yay. I´m Alba. The second is Nestor´s, the third is Marina´s and the fourth is obviously (because I´m the one left) mine.

Shadows and Relief

In case you didn´t recognise me I´m Alba. Here you have an example of what can people do when they are bored.
It was a little difficult because of the perspective. The first one is Marcos´ and the other one left is mine


 Marina says hello(in case it is not clear I am Marina). These are windroses? I think that was the name. First by me, second by Alba. They look beautiful right? (Now I´m Alba) And they were also a bit difficult do draw but here there are


Hi, Alba writing. This are worksheets that we made froom spirals. The first one is Marina´s and as you can see she makes ships go in circles (see what I did here). The second one is mine and it´s a big blue eye that can see into your soul. The last one is a multi-coloured snail done by Marcos.


Hi, Marina here. These are geometrical  shapes. to get the star inside you have to draw lines between the vertices of the poligons(?Does that word exist?) missing one or two of them. First by mine, second by Alba, third by Marcos.

One-point Perspective: Bedroom

Hey, I´m Alba. Well, as you can see we did another worksheet about one point-perspective, but this time, it wasn´t a street but a bedroom. The worksheet is mine and, as you can see, there are things that aren´t not too normal, like the Nyan Cat.
Marina now. There are like 18 fandom references in this worksheet, no kidding.

One-point Perspective: Street

You already know who I am. These are streets in perspective. There is one vanishing point and all the lines end in it, except you cut them where the actual thing you're drawing ends (you probably didn't understand a thing. I don't understand myself). We had to draw a road, buildings, trees and streetlamps and of course use our imagination. -Marina
Now I´m Alba (you could draw an unicorn in the sky, but with perspective of course ;D ) for example in my street, the first one, you can appreciate the fact that in one building:
a) There are painted the words "UNICORN ATTACK" because it´s supposed to be a movie
b) There is a man jumping from the building XD
Alba & Marina, or Marina & Alba; choose the option you prefer


Hi. Guess who I am (yeah Marina and Alba again (don´t forget about me)). So. I've totally forgotten the order in which the worksheets went and I'm sorry, please forgive me, I am begging on my knees. Back to the worksheets, it's about modules. we had to change every little module and then paint them, but it looks really cool so no problem. First by Alba, second by Marcos, third by me.

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Hey, this is Marina again. This worlsheet should've gone third but I got confused (sorry). It's about making parallel lines like the second, but these are also perpendicular. The first is by Alba, the second by Marcos and the third by me;)

The Division of Segments

Hey people! This is our third post, the worksheet done by Alba (sorry for bad quality). This shows how to divide a segment into two equal parts (top) or any other number of equal parts (bottom). The second implies using the Thales Theorem. You have to draw a line under the actual line you want to divide, and using the compass make whatever number of segments you want to divide the upper line into. Then you draw lines parallel to each other conecting the points you've obtained with the compass to the upper line and you get the segments you wanted. I know this explanation sucks but whatever. This is Marina talking (writing, more like).

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Hi folks, this is Alba writing.
This is the first worksheet we did at class.
We hope you like them.
The first one is mine, the second Marina´s and the third is Marcos´

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

Hey there, I am using blogspot

Hi, we are MAMN ART. This is our first blog and post. We are going to post our worksheets from arts class. We hope you enjoy them :D